
Winter Mornings

This weekend winter arrived in Manitoba.  Usually I dread the arrival of the snow because other years it meant a longer and white knuckled drive into the city for school or work, but instead this year I am welcoming it with open arms as I have the luxury of choosing when I want to venture out on the roads and into the city.  The other reason I'm welcoming winter is because winter mornings have become my favorite!  The reason: sweet mornings with our little family.  You see, summer and fall are very busy for Matt and now that the snow has fallen things begin to slow down slightly.  This means some extra time to enjoy the morning with us. This morning we leisurely sipped coffee and watched Greta play under her play gym.  Then while Greta and daddy enjoyed some cuddles I was able to get some things around house done before he left for work.  I am seeing that this year winter mornings will be the setting for some sweet memories to be made and this makes my heart is happy.

What are winter mornings like for you?

1 comment:

  1. Winter mornings here in San Diego are not much different from any other morning, unfortunately! :-( Sleeping in, extra snuggles, and snow days might not be too bad if I got to stay home with my boyfriend and baby! haha
    We have that toy, in the 2nd and 3rd pictures.


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