
Dear Greta: 3 Months

Dear Greta,

I have been contemplating writing you a monthly letter since you were born.  I had considered creating an e-mail account to which I'd send this letter for you to read when your older but was unsure if it would potentially get deleted overtime. I have thought I would physically write you a letter that you could hold when your older and cherish the art of letter writing but in the end I have decided to write it here so I can add photos and because you are the center of our Pretty Prairie Life. {also I believe that there is a way I can turn these posts into a book one day in the future}

Today you are 3 months old! You have been home with us now for almost 2 months and you are now starting to experience many of your firsts.  Since you were born early, your development is tracked by your adjusted age.  Your adjusted age is 3 weeks (because you are 13 weeks old but born 10 weeks early). You are starting to notice more of your environment and tracking us with your eyes, you are starting to give us little smiles and you are getting stronger and bigger each and everyday.

Your Stats: {we just visited the public health nurse the other day to see how well your growing and she was so amazed!}

  • weight: 8lbs 9oz
  • length: 20 1/4  inches

About You:

Just like from the day you were born you look so much like your daddy!  But, as you begin to gain and grow your cheeks are getting chubbier you are starting to look a bit like mommy! You definitely have mommy nose.  When you are tired or upset your "stork bites" on your nose, forehead and eyelids become more prominent but are beginning to fade and you have a birth mark on the back of your head.  Your hair is starting to darken from its original blonde and your blue eyes eyes melt our hearts everyday!  Your sleep schedule is not yet consistent - sometimes you sleep for 5 hours at a time and others you have lots of gas and don't sleep well. We are trying to figure it out and hope that we all start getting more sleep in the coming weeks.  You sleep well during the day when you take naps in your bouncy chair.

Things you like:  

  • Your favorite spot is on Daddy or mine's chest - especially when you need to sleep.
  • You like when I read "Everywhere Babies" & "Big Bear, Little Bear" to you - your eyes light up at the sound of my voice.
  • You listen to Jewel's "Lullaby" album to help you go to sleep.
  • Your love sitting in your bouncy chair while mommy bakes in the afternoons.
  • You actually enjoy tummy time and I think you would sleep great at night on your tummy - but that is against "doctors orders"          

We are so proud of how well you are growing.  You are full of life and strength!  We cannot wait to see you continue to grow and make gains over the coming months.  This next month is going to be exciting for you as you finally get to meet Oma & Opa Krause face-to-face rather than just over Skype as they are coming to visit you from Germany!  It will be an excellent visit for them as I'm sure they will see lots of changes happen in the two short weeks they will be here.

We love you, Greta and you fill everyday with such joy!


Mommy, Daddy and Milka

Hello September!

September, my favourite month and the beginning of the loveliest season -  FALL!  Over the last week we have been experiencing record high temperatures for the month of August (everyday above 30 C) and I am hoping that the weather will begin to cool as I'm not a big fan of the heat.  I'm my happiest in a sweater and scarf, some boots and sipping a pumpkin spice latte.  We were married in September as I didn't want to sweat in my gown, and because September in my favorite month not only because of the change in temperature and colors but because I always thought of it is more of the "new year" than January,  I always think that September is a time for new beginnings and changes.

Last September, I had begun my masters program and it truly one of the best first weeks of school during my university career! As much as I love the daily cuddles with Greta and seeing her begin many of her firsts - I do miss the class that I became apart of so fast and enjoyed the company of everyday.  I am lucky that although I am not with them daily this year they still include me as one of their peers and love Greta too! But now I embark on a new beginning.

This September, is the season I will cherish becoming a better mother rather than better student - where I will have sleepless nights cuddling my sweet girl instead of writing papers or cramming for exams, where my lesson in normal development will come from watching Greta grow and interact with her environment rather than from a textbook, and where finding balance will involve finding time to have a shower rather than making time for family and friends amongst endless deadlines and due date {or find the time to write a blog Greta is sleeping on my chest as I write this}.

Next September, I will be a mother AND a student, which will bring about more challenges than I know I can predict.  It will be a season where I believe I will encounter the biggest changes of all.  So for now I will embrace my time as just a mother, as I know the things I learn this year will be more than I will ever learn in the classroom and will help be become the me I'm suppose to be.

Happy September.